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Day Hikes on the Kanchenjunga Trek

Map of the Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek and the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
Map of the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

This blog provides information on 9 excellent day hikes that can be done when doing the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek. Click here to read my other blogs about the Kanchenjunga trek.



1. Introduction to Day Hikes on the Kachenjunga Trek

Trekkers usually focus on the main trail and don't take the time to enjoy the side trails. I have been guilty of that. The best scenery in Nepal is at the higher altitudes. It therefore makes sense to enjoy your time up there after all the effort and expense in getting there.

I became aware of 2 high altitude day hikes only while I was actually on the Kanchenjunga trek (see my Trip Report). They are the day hikes from Khambachen to the Nupchu Pokhari (lake) and the hike up "Lhonak Ri", which is at an altitude of 5,700 metres. I didn't do these day hikes on the Kanchenjunga trek. They are both excellent but tiring.

There are 3 possible day hikes at Ghunsa. I recommend that you only do one of them for acclimatisation unless you have plenty of time. The day hikes at Khambachen and Lhonak are a better option as the mountain views are superior.

I have not included the hikes to North Base Camp and the Oktang viewpoint. I regard these hikes to be part of the main Kanchenjunga Circuit trek. Most trekkers do them.


2. Ghunsa - Day Hike towards Nangola Pass

This day hike on the Kachenjunga trek goes westwards from Ghunsa to Olangchung Gola over the Nango La (4,795 metres). It takes 2 days to hike to Olangchung Gola.

Initially you follow the very scenic trail back towards Phale. After passing the Tashi Choding Gumba there is a sign pointing the way to the pass.

From there it is all up hill! Initially the trail is through the trees but eventually the scenery opens up and there are views of the mountains.

I only hiked up to 4,810 metres. I wasn't fit as I twisted my ankle 2 months prior to the trek, my hip was hurting and I had a cold. In addition the weather was changing and on the way back down there was a brief shower.

It is unlikely that you would be able to reach the pass and return to Ghunsa in 1 day.

The hike towards the Nangola pass near Ghunsa is a good day hike on the Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek
The turn off for the Nangola Pass is well marked

A view on the way from Ghunsa to the Nangola pass. I hiked here whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek
The initial ascent on the Nangola Pass trail

A view on the way from Ghunsa to the Nangola pass. I hiked here whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek
The trail going towards the Nangola pass

A view on the way from Ghunsa to the Nangola pass. I hiked here whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek
View back down the Nangola pass trail

A view on the way from Ghunsa to the Nangola pass. I hiked here whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek
View back down the Nangola pass trail

A view on the way from Ghunsa to the Nangola pass. I hiked here whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek
View back down the Nangola pass trail


3. Ghunsa Viewpoint Day Hike

The most popular acclimatisation hike on the Kanchenjunga trek is up the hill on the west side of Ghunsa. There are various viewpoints and the prayer flags can be seen from Ghunsa.

It looked like a hard slog to the top viewpoint which is at an altitude of 3,990 metres. I have seen photos taken from the viewpoints and the views weren't amazing.


4. Ghunsa - Day Hike towards Lumbasamba Kharka

This trail goes to Ramche over the Lapsang Bhanjyang pass (5,161 metres). The pass itself is difficult and can be dangerous.

It is possible however to hike to Lumbasamba Kharka (4,210 metres) and back to Ghunsa. This section of the trail passes the Yamatarin Glacier. I believe the trail mainly goes through forest so the views would be restricted.

My guide asked the owner of our tea house about the trail. Apparently there is a river that has to be crossed and it can sometimes be difficult. I therefore opted to do the Nangola Pass trail.


5. Khambachen - Day Hike to Jannu Viewpoint

Many local trekking agencies have only 1 night at Khambachen in their itinerary for the Kanchenjunga trek. This is dangerous as it is essential to stay 2 nights in order to acclimatise.

Even if you have already acclimatised it would be a shame not to spend at least 2 nights at Khambachen so you can hike up to the Jannu viewpoint.

It is a reasonably easy 3 hour hike up to a viewpoint near an interesting Hindu shrine. It is 400 metres above Khambachen. There is a stone path most of the way but this is more of a hindrance as many of the stones are loose.

The scenery is superb throughout the entire hike. Unfortunately the hike is directly into the sun in the early morning and it is blinding at times.

I walked a further 20 minutes up to the top of the lateral moraine of the Jannu glacier and reached an altitude of 4,606 metres. The views were worth the extra effort.

I have read that you can continue hiking on to Jannu base camp but it is an exhausting hike. When I stayed a Khambachen 2 Spaniards hiked towards Jannu base camp. They enjoyed it but didn't go all the way.

The hike from Khambachen to the Jannu Viewpoint is a very popular day hike on the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek.
A well marked trail

The day hike from Khambachen to the Jannu Viewpoint whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
Leaving Lhonak before the sun had risen over the mountains

The day hike from Khambachen to the Jannu Viewpoint whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
The stone path on the way up - looking back to Khambachen

The day hike from Khambachen to the Jannu Viewpoint whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
Looking west along the Jannu Glacier

The day hike from Khambachen to the Jannu Viewpoint whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
The Hindu Shrine under the Boulder

The day hike from Khambachen to the Jannu Viewpoint whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
The Hindu Shrine

The day hike from Khambachen to the Jannu Viewpoint whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
Temple near the Hindu Shrine

The day hike from Khambachen to the Jannu Viewpoint whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
Jannu is on the right

The day hike from Khambachen to the Jannu Viewpoint whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
View of the Jannu Glacier from the Lateral Moraine above the Hindu Shrine

The highest altitude on the day hike from Khambachen to the Jannu Viewpoint whilst doing the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
The highest altitude reached


6. Khambachen - Day Hike to Nupchu Pokhari (Lake)

I met 3 trekkers from the Czech Republic who hiked to Nupchu Pokhari (4,952 metres) and they raved about the scenery.

The map shows the trail which goes north west of Khambachen. It would take about 5 hours to reach Nupchu Pokhari and 3 hours to return. It is a long day's trek and it would be better to do it after the hike to the Jannu viewpoint so you are better acclimatised. It would be a good trek even if you didn't go the entire way.

I recommend spending 3 nights at Khambachen and doing both the day hikes. Khambachen has at least 2 good tea houses and it is a nice place to stay. Spending 3 nights at Khambachen improves acclimatisation and would make it easier to hike up "Lhonak Ri" and Drohmo Ri East.


7. Lhonak - Day Hike up the Side of the Lhonak Glacier

I did this hike to improve my acclimatisation for my planned hike up Drohmo Ri East from the North Base camp on the Kanchenjunga trek. The map shows the trail to be on the west side of the Lhonak glacier.

I had read on another blog that there was a better trail on the east side of the Lhonak glacier. The owner of our tea house confirmed that the trail on the east side was better. He showed us the way as he was visiting a mountaineering camp further on but the trail is easy to find and follow.

There was one slightly tricky section early on that goes across large boulders. After the boulders there is a river with a small bridge consisting of 3 logs. The logs are often icy and dangerous. My guide found a way across without using the bridge.

If you can't cross the river I believe that you could hike eastwards along the Chhyatungdinga glacier instead. Our lodge owner said it could be done but I didn't see a trail.

I walked for 3 hours up to an altitude of 5,124 metres. From the top of the lateral moraine I could see the confluence of the Lhonak, Chabuk and Chijima glaciers. There is little point in going further. The entire walk took 5 hours and 45 minutes and that included a stop to eat my packed lunch.

I wasn't that impressed with the scenery on this hike even though I really like seeing glaciers. Unless you have plenty of time I recommend doing other day hikes whilst doing the Kanchenjunga trek.

The day hike up the Lhonak glacier is didn't by many trekkers doing the Kanchenjunga trek.
Icy Bridge

My hike along the Lhonak glacier on the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
River from the Chhyatungdinga Glacier

We walked up to the ridge of the moraine and reached an altitude of 5,124 metres. I could see the confluence of the Chabuk and Chijima glaciers. I could also see the tents of the mountaineering expedition that were at this confluence. 

My hike along the Lhonak glacier on the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
Looking back towards Lhonak

My hike along the Lhonak glacier on the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
Looking back towards Lhonak

My hike along the Lhonak glacier on the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
The Lhonak Glacier

My hike along the Lhonak glacier on the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
Looking towards the Confluence of the Lhonak, Chabuk and Chijima Glaciers

There was little point in going further so we turned back. There was a cold wind on the way back. The entire hike took us almost 6 hours.

My hike along the Lhonak glacier on the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
On the way down near Lhonak


8. Lhonak - Day Hike up "Lhonak Ri"

Three trekkers from the Czech Republic told me about this hike and raved about the views from the summit. They said the summit was at 5,700 metres and named it Lhonak Ri, although that isn't the official name.

I later met 2 Spanish trekkers who had done this hike on the recommendation of the Czech trekkers. They also raved about the views.

The main difficulty of the hike is the altitude. A bit of scrambling is involved at the very top. The peak is off the trail that goes to the North Base Camp on the Kanchenjunga trek. I am sure the owners of the tea houses at Lhonak could provide directions.


9. Pangpema - Day Hike up Drohmo Ri East

I had planned to hike up Drohmo Ri East which is at an altitude of 5,965 metres. Unfortunately the Pangpema tea was closed because of the Tihar festival so I couldn't do it. That was a big disappointment.

As I have stated in my blog on the Tea Houses on the Kanchenjunga Trek you cannot rely on this tea house being open. Also it is very small so it could be very crowded or full. I had brought a tent in case.

Most trekkers who hike up Drohmo Ri East stay at the Pangpema tea house the night before. They start hiking up early the next morning and return to Lhonak the same day. It is a very tiring day.

If there isn't snow on the ground the trek isn't too difficult apart from the altitude. Therefore it is better to spend 3 nights in Khambachen and 2 nights in Lhonak beforehand to acclimatise. It would make the hike both easier and more enjoyable.

The terrain isn't difficult except for the last 200 metres when there are boulders and rocks on the ground. If they were covered by snow or ice it would be difficult.

Depending on your acclimatisation and fitness it would take about 3 hours to ascend and 2 hours to descend. There is a viewpoint before the boulders and some trekkers turn around there.

The trail starts behind the Pangpema tea house. Wikiloc shows the route up Drohmo Ri East and there are also some photos.


10. Tseram - Day Hike towards Lapsang Bhanjyang Pass

Between Ramche and Tseram there is a sign pointing westwards that says Napsangla Pass. This is the alternative trail to Ghunsa and it crosses a difficult and dangerous pass. On my map the pass is named Lapsang Bhanjyang rather than Napsangla Pass.

It should be safe to do a day hike towards the pass. The trail is closer to Ramche but it could also be hiked from Tseram. There are no trees on this eastern side of the pass so the views would be much better than from the trail on the forested western side.


11. Links to My Other Blogs on the Kanchenjunga Trek



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